Thursday 2 February 2012

Did You Vote For Romney? Could Be A Big Mistake...

I just picked up an interesting post from the blog of Omar Dakhane. He writes in Arabic and English and has many interesting articles, but this one certainly got my attention.

Basically he is commenting on an item in an Algerian "Anti-American" paper~endorsing Mitt Romney. Why, you may well ask.

Dakhane starts off with the the fact that Algerian papers rarely have anything to say about America and its politics, unless it is negative and promotes hatred towards the USA.

Here is a snippet of what Dakhane read and reports in his article...(emphasis mine)
...the article writer seemed very pleased about the winning of Romney saying that Romney the Mormon “Believes in the Prophecy of Mohammed, DOESN'T revere the cross, is AGAINST alcohol and adultery, and FOR polygamy”

What he was trying to say is: this is a good candidate because he thinks like Muslims and they should like him.

Indeed, it would be incumbent on all voters to brush up on just what Mormans believe. If you are a Christian or a Jew, they are definitely not coming from the same place you are!

Do read the entire article on Omar Dakhane's Blog. While you are there, browse around...

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